Parent Council
The Parent Council is the representative body for all parents of pupils at Sevenoaks Primary School. It is designed to be parent-friendly and is a great opportunity to become more involved in, and more informed about, the decisions which affect your child’s school.
What are the aims of the parent council?
The parent council was set up in 2008 with five main aims:
- To work in partnership with the school to create a welcoming and inclusive environment
- To promote a partnership between the school/pupils and parents
- To develop and engage in activities which support the education and welfare of the pupils
- To identify and represent all parents’ views on educational and welfare matters
- To support the work of the Sevenoaks Primary School Association (SPSA)
What issues have the parent council discussed to date?
Sevenoaks Primary School is certainly an action packed school and the parent council is no exception it has already influenced:
- Content of Family Learning sessions
- Parent/school communications
- Homework and the way it is set
- Parent consultations and written reports
- Website and prospectus
- Timing of open evenings
- School dinners
Who is involved in the parent council?
Each class will put forward a parent council class representative. The meeting will also be attended by the head teacher and/or a member of SLT.
A parent acts as the chair and the parent council secretary will take the minutes. Often sessions are attended by the people who are involved in the area under discussion. For example: the school chef and a representative from the catering company, attended our meeting on school dinners.
How do we represent all parents’ views and how do we keep parents informed?
Each class representative informs the parents of their class about the topics to be discussed at the next meeting. Parents are then invited to express their ideas/opinions/suggestions via their class representative. These are then discussed at the next meeting. The class representative can then inform either the individual parent, or all the parents, of the results of the meeting. The head teacher also includes relevant information in the newsletter. The minutes from the meeting are also available on the school website or from the school office.
How to become involved?
Each year a class can elect a new parent council representative. We meet three times a year (terms 1, 3 and 5) at 2.15 in the school. Dates will be advertised in advance on the school website and in the school newsletter. If you are a parent and would like to express your views without attending the meeting please contact your class representative.
Outline Agenda
The agenda will be set ahead and will be guided by; the results of any parent surveys, the school's Development Plan and parent feedback. Issues that have been addressed in the past and may form part of future meetings include communication, curriculum and extra-curricular activities and children's wellbeing.
Agendas for each meeting will be circulated in advance. Parents are encouraged to give any thoughts that they have regarding these issues to the parent council class representative, before each meeting.
Parent Council Reps
Chair | Kevin Millien |
Deputy Chair | Natasha Elvin |
Committee Secretary | Katherine Sutcliffe/Kirsten Tompsett |
Head Teacher | Mrs Malone |
Deputy Headteacher | Miss Durkin |
School Office | Mrs Avison |
Lion Cubs | Laura Perez |
Leopard Cubs | Lucy Herron |
Tiger Cubs | Caroline Fenwick |
1A | Elizabeth Jackson |
1B | Naomi Hazenberg/Natasha Elvin |
1C | Julia Owen |
2A | Lucy Herron |
2B | Katherine Sutcliffe |
2C | Frankie Wilkinson |
3A | Kevin Millien |
3B | Ellen Gorman |
3C | Simon Giles |
4A | Rhiannon Swan |
4B | Amy Tait |
4C | Ben Parish |
5A | Charlotte Pringle |
5B | Fiona Dennis |
5C | Kirsten Tompsett |
6A | Katherine Sutcliffe |
6B | Alison Walker |
6C | Tiziana Mazzotta |
School Governor | Sarah Collins |
PTA Representative | Fiona Dennis |
Parent Council Minutes and reports
- You Said We Did October 2024
- You Said We Did May 2024
- You Said We Did February 2024
- You Said We Did October 2023
- You Said We Did May 2023
- You Said We Did February 2023
- Parent Council Lunch Report June 2022
- Parent Council Minutes October 2022
Parent Council Terms of Reference