School Uniform
We place great importance on school uniform as it helps promote our TEAM value by presenting a smart, unified image of which we can all feel proud. We believe that our uniform promotes the pride we have in our school, develops positive behaviour and instils a strong sense of belonging. To that aim we ask that all parents/carers ensure their child/ren arrive at school looking smart by adhering to the uniform requirements and accessory rules laid out below. Should you have any queries regarding the school uniform please contact the school office.
Uniform Requirements
Please clearly name all items brought into school. All items below, marked with an * are available for ordering online via the website with the school logo on them, plain versions are available from alternative outlets. All items marked with a ** are only available online via the website. The school tie, water bottles and a selection of second hand uniform is available to purchase from the school PTA uniform shop (please refer to the website for opening days and times). There is also a complete range of school uniform available to try on for size.
Foundation Stage
- *Blue Polo shirt
- *Navy 'v' neck jumper or cardigan
- Charcoal trousers or shorts with grey socks (knee or ankle length, not trainer socks)
- Navy skirt/pinafore with navy tights, white or navy socks (knee or ankle length, not trainer socks)
- Dark blue check summer dress (Term 5, 6 & 1 only)
- **Navy book bag
- *Waterproof coat
- Black 'school' shoes (no trainers or boots)
Foundation Stage PE Kit
All items must be brought to school on the first day of term in a named PE bag. PE bags and kit will be sent home on the last day of term for washing and to allow parent / carers to check all items still fit.
- **Blue Logo PE Top
- *PE Bag
- Black shorts (cotton or nylon style)
- Trainers (to provide adequate support for physical activity)
- Navy tracksuit bottoms
- Navy sweatshirt
Key Stage One and Two (Y1-6) Uniform
- *Navy 'v' neck jumper or cardigan
- Blue shirt (long or short sleeve, button to neck)
- Charcoal trousers or shorts with grey socks (knee or ankle length, not trainer socks)
- Navy skirt/pinafore with navy tights, white or navy socks (knee or ankle length, not trainer socks)
- Dark blue check summer dress (Term 5, 6 & 1 only)
- **School tie (KS1 option to have an elasticated tie, KS2 standard tie)
- *Waterproof Coat
- Black 'school' shoes (no trainers or boots)
PE Kit
All items must be brought to school on the first day of term in a named *PE bag. PE bags and kit will be sent home on the last day of term for washing and to allow parent/carers to check all items still fit.
- **Blue logo PE top
- Black shorts cotton or *nylon
- White sports socks and navy football socks
- Trainers (to provide adequate support for physical activity)
- Football boots for Hockey/Football/Lacrosse (Years 3 - 6)
- Plain navy *tracksuit or plain navy tracksuit bottoms and plain navy sweatshirt
- Sun hat / * Sports cap
- Shin Pads for Football/Hockey (Years 3 - 6)
- Mouth guards for Hockey /Rugby / Lacrosse (Years 3 - 6)
Swimming (Years 3 – 6)
- One-piece costume or swimming trunks (‘Speedos’ or tight short trunks. No Bermuda/surf shorts)
- Towel
- Swimming bag
- Swimming cap for long hair
- Goggles (optional)
(all earrings must be removed for swimming as tape cannot be used)
Hair, Accessories, Hats and Sunglasses
- Hair is expected to be dressed neatly and appropriately for school
- For health and hygiene reasons, long hair should be tied back completely - i.e. a pony tail. This is for all hair past shoulder length.
- Hair accessories should be practical, small and conform to school colours (neutral, white, grey, black, navy). They do not include head
scarves / bandanas which may only be worn for verifiable religious or medical purposes.
- A wide brimmed sun hat / *sports cap is actively encouraged for sunny weather and outdoor PE.
- A quality pair of sunglasses is also permitted.
- Nail varnish is not permitted.
- Make up is not permitted.
- Tattoos are illegal at primary age and tattoo transfers or similar are not permitted. Henna tattoos are acceptable if worn for religious events or celebrations.
Jewellery & Watches
- Only one pair of small plain stud earrings is permitted. Earrings must be removed by the child for PE and should be stored safely (a named, lidded container works well). Recently pierced ears may be covered with medical tape which must be provided and applied by the child. If a child is unable to remove earrings then these must be removed at home on PE days.
- For health and hygiene reasons, school staff will not make personal contact with a pupil’s ears or earrings.
- No other jewellery is permitted (unless for verifiable religious or health reasons).
- Watches should be named.
- All items are the sole responsibility of the child.
NB. Please name every item of school wear so that lost property may be returned swiftly to its owner.
The Sevenoaks Primary School Uniform policy has been ratified by The Sevenoaks Primary School Governing Body.
The school tie and a selection of pre-worn uniform will be available to purchase from the sustainable uniform shop run by the SPSA please look in the Upcoming Events on the website (under News & Events) for dates and times.
There will also be a complete range of school uniform available to try for size!
Order Uniform
'Free deliveries' is now set up with Price & Buckland. When you order uniform online, you can now collect it from school free.
Please Click the link below to order uniform online.
Or please click the file below to download the Uniform Order Form
The uniform will be delivered into school on the 2nd and 4th Monday of each month. Please click the link below to check the dates
A member of the PTA will be in the Reception area from 3.00pm on those Mondays for you to collect your order
If you are unable to collect the uniform and your child is in Key Stage 2, the uniform will be delivered to your child's class. For Key Stage 1 pupils, please come and collect from the office.