At Sevenoaks Primary School, we have developed the Relationships and Sex Education (or RSE) curriculum in line with current statutory guidance.
As the name suggests, RSE incorporates relationships teaching, and sex education teaching. Relationships education is statutory in Primary Schools, and parents cannot withdraw their children from this. While sex education is not statutory in Primary Schools, it is strongly recommended. We believe that age-appropriate sex education is a child protection tool to safeguard children and prepare them for puberty and beyond. Parents can withdraw their children from sex education, although this does not include reproduction taught as part of the science curriculum, which is compulsory. For Year 6, there is an additional talk to parents regarding the content of their lessons.
“Effective relationships and sex education is key in supporting young people through their physical, emotional and moral development, enabling them to make informed life choices confidently, and furthering their respect for themselves and others as they move through life.”
“… it will enable them to protect themselves against harmful and exploitative situations.”
RSE lessons will be delivered by teachers in Term 6. To provide the most up-to-date, age-appropriate resources, we have partnered with The Christopher Winter Project, whose plans are quality-assured by the PSHE association. This overview plan provided by the organisation shows the topics we will be covering:
The full DfE guidance can be found here.
Our RSE policy can be viewed here:
RSE Policy 2023
download_for_offlineRSE Policy 2023
Before our curriculum and policy were implemented, we issued a parent survey to ascertain attitudes, answer questions, and allay any concerns. A summary of this report can be found in the policy above.
As always, if you have any questions about our RSE approach and curriculum, please talk to your class teacher who will be happy to help.